Monday, July 12, 2010

An extra bright spot

     What a treat, I grabbed a ride into Sante Fe on Saturday and joined the crowd brwosing tent to tent at the International Folk Art festival on Museum Hill.
      These two new friends were having a ball trying to catch streamers.  It was tricky getting a photo-they were up and down the hill so quickly!
All of the venders were dressed in traditional costumes of their culture and assisted by translators.  Many were demonstrating their techniques-very labor intensive with stunning results.  The "stan" countries were particularly well represented.
     I picked up a few Christmas presents (no photos of those-duh), and probably would have picked up a few more if the pay line wasn't so long.  The venders give you tickets and pay for all at once.  Indulged in a funky pair of earrings from Swaziland for myself-irrisistable at $6.    
     This lady is the creator of an extraordinary embroidered coat.  It took 4 years to stitch and displays an entire mytholigical narrative.  Stunning

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