Sunday, July 11, 2010

Box Canyon

     Thought I'd add photos from a hike today.  This is the way into Box Canyon, originally the "cattle storage" for bandits, now a peaceful spot populated by nesting birds.  There are beautiful little waterfalls on the way in, a contrast to the more arid first half mile.  (You'll see podcasts with these in the fall).Watching the water bugs flit around on the pool surfaces is good fun.  National Geographic water issue has a page on the physics of how they do it-actually pushing the water up in front of them to create momentum  that they can surf.

     On the way are spectacular fallen trees, some fairly recent as the landscape changes with each rain.  Some are "duck unders," and others are "walk across."  I loved the way the carved rock and clay looked under this one.

Towering evergreens guard the entrance to the dead end of the canyon (after climbing over some formidable boulders).

       Dozens of swallows swoop overhead.  When you reach the center and look up, this is the rim overhead.  It creates a wonderful acoustic space, great for chanting or singing.  And below, yoga groupies ready to practice!

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