Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School

The end of summer always feels to me like a combination of "the party's over" and "Let's get this party started." Our thoughts may lag behind while our commitments tug us forward.

I left my book in Hawaii
On a beach in the sand somewhere,
I was suposed to practice my spelling,
But I just couldn't concentrate there.

The oceans whispered, "Come surfing,"
The beaches bechoned, "Come play."
I followed the sound of their voices,
And I threw my spelling away.

For a week I rode the free winds,
As I surfed a wide blue sea;
And the sound of the ocean breathing
Became a part of me.

I'm sorry, Ms. Jones, I forgot it,
On a beach in the sand somewhere,
How I wish that book was remembered, 
And I'd been forgotten there.
              I left My Book in Hawaii
              by Kalli Dakos, Peoms About School

The last days of August are a good time to sort through summer memories looking for gems to carry forward into the renwed energy of fall.
What were some of your highlights?  Do you have a photo or two that you can stick up on a wall or screen near where you work to look over and put yourself back in a "mini-break" of remembered relaxation?

Mine will definately be camp and wedding photos!

Meanwhile, its time to do a fall tune-up: work through through the list of school supplies, set up catch up appointments, straighten the desk (don't forget to add those summer photos or a sea shell or two!)

Is your Head on Nice and Tight?
Do your kneecpas fit just right,
Did you shine up all your skin,
And bring your belly button in?

Have you lost a toe or two
And could your brain be overdue?
Please look in the Lost and Found,
If your ears are not around. 
Students must remember parts,
Be they books for pens or hearts.
How can your school day begin
If you're searching for your chin?
               Is Your Head on Nice and Tight?
               by Kalli Dakos, Poems About School

Is my head on straight?
Have I left space for deep breathes and time for people who matter to me?
Is my soul is good working order?
What arrangements do I need to make for God in my life each day as sunlight shortens?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to.......
This weekend brings a change of happy hiking tunes whistling in my head.  Our second "child" (isn't it marvelous how they're still our child even after they're a working professional) will be married on Saturday.  Gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiney day.....
Lots of other families will spend some time back to school shopping for or with their children this weekend.  School's out for summer....turning to the wheels on the bus go round and round.....
While you're out, why not teach your child the buddy system by picking up similar school supplies to send through Church World Service and the United Methodist Economic Ministry in Solon and Salem, ME? Our ingathering is coming up in worship on August 26 when we bless our own children's backpacks as well as these gifts we send.
This is a day of new beginnings....time to believe what love is bringing....our God is making all things new.  Those words are paired with one of our hardest hymns to sing, melodically and thematically (United MEthodist hymnal 383).   But lyricist Brian Wren was helping us sing a new song to the lord with its verses.  Christ is alive and goes before us to show and share what love can do.
How will I, how will you, experience Christ's love in this season?
How will I, how will you, help another experience Christ's love in this season?
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to love we go!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


As month #2 in Brunswick begins for the Munson household, we are almost out of boxes (woo hoo!) and settled into the parsonage that was so beautifully prepared for us.  The ginger cats have found their favorite corners.  I know where the grocery stores are and the Portland Press Herald now arrives on the doorstep each morning in time for Jeff's sodoku/caffeine fix.  Even the office books are shelved, though don't ask me to put my hands right on any one in particular, order will come later!  Life is good.

VBS message in a beaker
Vacation Bible school was a blast, with energetic/curious/courteous kids (and adults) bringing the church to life.  Worship is joy and people are so patient as I search names and faces in the recesses of my brain.

Jeff Munson's labor of love.
How's your summer going?  Are you finding food for the soul?  In Maine's warmer  months, we're like  squirrels-storing up good energy and nuggets of summer fun that will tide us through long winter days down the road.
      In college, friends in Intervarsity Christian Fellowship taught me about "quiet time," daily moments set aside to spend with God.  These moments fill us with God's goodness and cultivate God's purpose and peace to carry through each day. Camp is a place that reminds me to claim God's promises just as Vacation Bible School is an environment in which many kids come to hear of those pomises for the first time. These times and places are holy ground.  May God bless the ground you find yourself walking this day and fll you with goodness for days to come.  Its a goodness that takes us out of the boxes we sometimes find ourselves caught in!