Monday, October 18, 2010

Our heros

This week on facebook I asked my friends who their heros are. Many are family members who have modeled what real strength is. I met one of my heros not too long after moving in 2000. I don't know his name. It was during a public forum sharing information and resources after a devastating episdode of pedophilia was revealed. (I met my friend Bud when we were both on the panel.) When the question and comment time came, a young man, in his early thirties, stood up and faced the theatre. None of us knew him. He had driven some ways to stand and give the parents, teachers, and community members there a message to share with the teens. He said, "I'm all right now." He had been one of this man's first victims. And after years of healing and with the help of loving family, he was all right. He had survived, and thrived, not by ignoring the pain, but by overcoming it. Life was good. It had been bad. But it didn't stay that way. It was the first time he'd spoken in public and was bravest thing I had ever seen anyone do. It made him even stronger
Many of us know someone who needs to hear that message. You can survive. You can thrive. There are many reasons. This video is the sharing of another brave soul. Please remember to pray with thanks for those who stand up in the face of the awful and witness to what is possible.

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