Sunday, June 27, 2010

Renewal leave, day.....?

One goal of renewal leave is to get on "God's time." I think I'm getting close. It really doesn't matter what day of the week it is.  And it would be impossible to convey all the wonders I've already encountered over the past 2 1/2 weeks. So I'll start with something simple, Friday morning's hike before breakfast. To reach the trail, I met up with a new friend, Emily from Cleveland. The one and a half mile  trek starts about 50 ft from my room.
(The goal)

 At a 6,500 feet above sea level start,  breathing was a very conscious (even audible) activity for the first 10 minutes then I hit my stride.
We watched the sun rise on the way.

                                                               (1/2 way there)

The view from the top, surreal. To the right is the house where Georgia O'Keefe lived and painted. To the left is the last haze from a forest fire on the other side of the Rio Chama.  Around the corner is one of the most famous, and active paleontology digs in the world. Two weeks ago a ten year old found a new small dinosaur that hasn't been identified yet (part of a two week intergenerational dig that happens eaach summer.) 

On the way down....

"Home" again in time for breakfast, french toast and fresh strawberries in the camp cafeteria.  This hill on the way down is one of the two places we can climb to for cell phone service.  (The other one is a little steeper and requires standing on a rock while facing east to keep the signal.....but it's a great view too!)

I shall lift up my eyes to the hills from where my help comes.....

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