Monday, January 18, 2010

half alive?

The resurrection means trouble for us who are comforatble with being only half alive.  That thought from Alan Jones has stopped me short for years.  (Thanks to Weavings journal for providing the red light this time! )

It hits me right in my complacency.

Here's another one, I love the recklessness of faith, first you leap, and then you grow wings. (Wiliam Sloane Coffin).  Couldn't the wings grow first? I mean, what kind of faith asks me to risk leaping before I can either see the ground or know I'll fly?

It seems like restless faith that asks me to trust other people to toss their gifts in the ring without knowing whether they'll follow through. If any one part of " fails to follow through.......what a mess.

Maybe we should all hold hands, count to three and jump together, ready......? The think system isn't going to work here.  We have to really "do it."

Do what?  Stop living half alive.  Get troubled, resurrection faith style.  Sprout wings.

If you've patient enough to let it load, this movie, "The Butterfly Circus" shows better than I can tell!

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